Nevada DBA
In Nevada, creating and helping clients with a “doing business as” or “DBA” is something Rise Legal – Steve Dixon Law has helped numerous clients with. Before you create a DBA, you need to first create a business with the Nevada Secretary of State. Once you have an underlying business name, you can create a DBA by filing the correct form with the county clerk in which the business runs.
Fictitious Firm Name
Another name for DBA is “fictitious firm name.” A DBA is a name you use to represent your business even if the true name is something different. For example, if your legal name is Magic Johnson, and you want to open Magic’s Pizza Parlor as a sole proprietor, you need to register “Magic’s Pizza Parlor” as a DBA before you start making pizza and selling it to customers. By creating a proper DBA, a bank will now allow you to obtain a bank account, and you’ll be able to obtain the proper licensing from the State. In most Nevada counties, the application form for a DBA is fairly simple and the clerk does not take that long to finalize.
Nevada Revised Statutes
For more information, feel free to research the following statute under Nevada Revised Statutes: Section 602.010:
- Every person doing business in this state under an assumed or fictitious name that is in any way different from the legal name of each person who owns an interest in the business, must file with the County Clerk of each county in which the business is being conducted, a certificate containing the information required by opens in a new windowNRS 602.020.
- A person intending to conduct a business under an assumed or fictitious name may, before initiating the conduct of the business, file a certificate with the County Clerk of each county in which the business is intended to be conducted.
- If the Board of County Commissioners of a county has adopted an ordinance pursuant to opens in a new windowNRS 602.035, a certificate filed pursuant to this section expires 5 years after it is filed with the County Clerk.
Steve Dixon Law
For more information regarding applying for a DBA in your Nevada county, please contact Steve Dixon Law at (702) 329-4911 with any questions.