With Halloween upcoming, Rise Legal wants to make sure we are all safe. Please take a moment and review Rise Legal‘s Halloween Safety Tips for your family.
Trick or Treat in Groups
Doing anything alone at night can be risky. Especially on a night when so many people are out and may not be paying attention to what is really going on. Please make sure and trick or treat with a group of people that you know and trust. Staying together is a primary safety mechanism in any situation. This is especially true during the Halloween season when activities are done in the dark hours.
Walk on the Sidewalk
While this tip may seem a bit odd, there will still be traffic driving on the street. A driver may be going slowly, but because of the dark and other people around it might be difficult to see you in the dark in the street. Costumes make it even more difficult to see someone if they are dressed as a witch or other dark color. Obeying all traffic laws, including walking on the sidewalk with your group promotes safety.
Go Out Before It Gets Dark
Why wait until dark? If it is still light outside there is no harm in beginning your Halloween trick or treat activities in the day time. This makes being visible in groups even easier if it is light outside. Trick or treating can be just as fun in the daylight as it is in the dark night. Then, when it is dark and you’ve got all the candy you can handle, you can enjoy a movie during the evening hours instead of being out in the cold anyway!
Avoid Locations Without Lighting
Sometimes I notice kids try and trick or treat at homes where the lights are off. Sometimes they are even successful at getting the owner to open the door and hand out candy. Still, it is easier and safer to not even approach a home without lighting. Who knows what or who lurks behind a dark corner? Be safe and stay in the light, even if it is dark outside.
Please enjoy a wonderful Halloween evening, but make sure and stay safe with Rise Legal’s Halloween Safety Tips. If you or a loved one is injured or needs legal assistance (hopefully not related to Halloween), feel free to contact Rise Legal – Steve Dixon Law at (702) 329-4911 for a free consultation.